Nothing But Waves and Wind

Nothing But Waves and Wind
Par:Christine Montalbetti
Publié le 2017-06-23 par French Literature

A musty bar in off-season Cannon Beach, Oregon, provides the setting for an unsuspecting Frenchman s introduction to the many ways life can go wrong for the unlucky in America. He listens as the barflies nightly recount their tales of woe betrayal, broken families, financial ruin. Though they seem at first to tolerate the newcomer s presence and sympathy, a tide of violence is rising, one he perceives only dimly until it is too late to escape. Made doubly powerful by her poetic fascination with the violence and volatility of the American landscape itself, Montalbetti s novel is a thrilling study of the senseless cruelty disappointed men are capable of.|

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ID de livre de Nothing But Waves and Wind's Les livres sont nxhdvgAACAAJ, Livre écrit parChristine Montalbettiavec ETAG "Fpxhf1cUZ7Q"

Livre publié par French Literature depuis 2017-06-23 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9781943150182 et ISBN 10 Code est 1943150184

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Nothing But Waves and Wind

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