Yellow 2

Yellow 2
Par:Makoto Tateno
Publié le 2011-09 par Digital Manga Pub

Taki and Goh are an expert team of bandits hired by the police to steal from the mafia. This time, their assignment involves an immediate family member. Can they find what they are looking for without getting too personal and emotional? A stand-alone short story to DMP's best-seller, Yellow. These short stories has never been published in book form and, initially, have only been distributed in Japan via cell phones and handheld devices.

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ID de livre de Yellow 2's Les livres sont Y9BKXwAACAAJ, Livre écrit parMakoto Tatenoavec ETAG "PgK/KQ2y1+I"

Livre publié par Digital Manga Pub depuis 2011-09 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9781569701560 et ISBN 10 Code est 1569701563

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Livre qui ont "60 Pages" est Imprimée à BOOK dans la catégorieComics and Graphic Novels

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Yellow 2

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