The Irish Version

The Irish Version
Par:Jean Van Hamme,William Vance,Jean Giraud
Publié le 2013-01-10 par 9th Cinebook

Little by little, XIII has reconstructed most of his life and figured out who he is. But there is one exception: there is still a gap in his college years, when Jason McLane became Kelly Brian - a gap that might mean the amnesiac adventurer is in fact an Irish terrorist, Seamus O'Neil. This flashback brings us back to Boulder, Colorado, and before that to Northern Ireland, to reveal the last piece of the XIII puzzle and his final identity.

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ID de livre de The Irish Version's Les livres sont sit2MAEACAAJ, Livre écrit parJean Van Hamme,William Vance,Jean Giraudavec ETAG "rhqCPYnEIE4"

Livre publié par 9th Cinebook depuis 2013-01-10 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9781849181457 et ISBN 10 Code est 1849181454

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Livre qui ont "48 Pages" est Imprimée à BOOK dans la catégorieComics and Graphic Novels

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The Irish Version

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