Tradition in Dialogue

Tradition in Dialogue
Par:Peter-Ben Smit
Publié le 2013-04-01 par Vu University Press Amsterdam

Tradition' is a highly contested notion in the Christian church, especially when it comes to ecumenical encounters and dialogues. In today's Anglican churches, the notion of 'tradition' is prominent in many debates concerning ecclesial differences. Often, ways have been found to reconcile seemingly different understandings of 'tradition' and its articulation in the present. In this profound studies, prof. Smit shows how this has been achieved in the international bilateral dialogues of the Anglican Communion, ranging from conversations with the Baptist World Alliance to dialogues with the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches.

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Livre publié par Vu University Press Amsterdam depuis 2013-04-01 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9789086596041 et ISBN 10 Code est 9086596045

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Tradition in Dialogue

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